
Showing posts from September, 2016

Photography Plan

OPTION 1 Where: LRC or Outside front of school Wearing: School uniform Doing: Thumbs up Camera shot: Medium Close Up OPTION 2 Where: LRC Wearing: Student in school uniform Doing: Reading revision guide Camera shot: Medium Close Up E.g. Similar to below (previously analysed) but with revision guide and Plantsbrook uniform.

School Moodboard


Conventions of a magazine front cover and contents page

Front Cover A masthead for the school magazine. A headline, which is about the main feature in the magazine. A strapline, talking about the headline's article. Coverlines, which give the audience an idea of what is in this issue. Pug/Starbust, something that stands out to the audience so that they are more likely to read it. A main image. Usually about the article the headline talks about. Date if issue. A variety of font sizes (masthead will have large font, headline large font, streamline and cover line smaller). Price. Contents Page   Some images about the articles in the magazine. A table of contents, which includes captions giving the audience and idea about what the article is about. Page numbers and information as to what articles are on the page. Captions for the images on the contents page. Columns

Contents of a School Magazine

The school magazine is likely to include things such as: Interviews with teachers/staff. Letter from headteacher/deputy/assistant. School sports team fixtures. Help/guides for revision and exams. School events. Information on the new build.

Target Audience for School Magazine

The target audience for a school magazine would be students at the school, parents/carers, and staff at the school. The target audience would be aged between 11-18 (students) and 25-65 (staff and parents/carers). This means that the magazine has to cater to a wide audience. These people are likely to be interested in the school and be in the local community.

More Masthead Ideas

Chosen due to being modern, which when the school gets the new building, it will be, This is fitting as it is a school and therefore a handwritten font represents writing in a exercise book.

Analysis of a School Magazine Contents Page


School Magazine Mastheads

Mastheads for the school magazine.

Layout Sketches for a School Magazine


Analysis of existing school magazines

Scribe Analysis of Existing School Magazines NEW Onedrive version (older) This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office Online .

Possible names for my school magazine

After thinking, I have come up with some names that could be used for my school magazine. PB Mag Plantsbrook Monthly Plantsbrook Mag PB Student PbM  PB Monthly YourPB The Brook Mag Plbr  Plantsbrook Magazine

Music Magazine Analysis


Masthead research and analysis

This is the masthead for NME. It uses a bold, sans-serif font which is modern and informal. The colours are contrasting and eye catching, with red, white and black being a large contrast from each other. There is also a drop shadow separating the white and the red. This makes it stand out to the audience when they see the magazine. It acts as a logo and is placed at the top of the magazine. It is largely associated with rock, alternative and indie music. So that will be their audience. The Kerrang! masthead uses a sans-serif font. it is bold and is mostly a white colour, however it is not a uniform fill as it has the black lines going through it making it a pattern fill. It acts as a logo and is placed at the top of the magazine. The magazine itself is aimed at rock music fans. The Q masthead is very simple. It's a white Q on a red background. On the lower right of the Q, there is a drop shadow that can be seen on the red background. In addition, the font is serif. The magazine is ...