Conventions of a magazine front cover and contents page
Front Cover
- A masthead for the school magazine.
- A headline, which is about the main feature in the magazine.
- A strapline, talking about the headline's article.
- Coverlines, which give the audience an idea of what is in this issue.
- Pug/Starbust, something that stands out to the audience so that they are more likely to read it.
- A main image. Usually about the article the headline talks about.
- Date if issue.
- A variety of font sizes (masthead will have large font, headline large font, streamline and cover line smaller).
- Price.
- Some images about the articles in the magazine.
- A table of contents, which includes captions giving the audience and idea about what the article is about.
- Page numbers and information as to what articles are on the page.
- Captions for the images on the contents page.
- Columns
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